Mount Pleasant Primary School

Mount Pleasant Primary School

'Every child matters, every moment counts'

Forest School


Year 2

Foundation Stage


The children have been explore the area. They have been learning where the Forest School boundaries are and how to keep safe whilst at Forest School. They used red pegs to identify plants that may be prickly or dangerous that we need to avoid. They had lots of fun digging in the mud and playing hide and seek for our first session in the sunshine!

Year 1 and 4/5  have also have been exploring the area, identifying different plants that they need to aware of or stay away from. For example, nettles.

Different activities the children took part in were:

  • Hide and seek
  • Forest school 5 senses checklist.
  • Collect materials to use our mud kitchen next week.
  • Making names from natural materials
  • Scavenger hunts