Mount Pleasant Primary School

Mount Pleasant Primary School

'Every child matters, every moment counts'

Welcome to Year 2 2024 - 2025

Miss Davies
Miss Davies
 Mrs Atkin
Mrs Atkin

Autumn 1 Term


In our P.E. lessons, we have been enjoying learning the skills of tennis in our 'Send and Return' Unit and the skills of football, netball and basketball in our 'Attack, Defend, Shoot' unit.


We all enjoyed presenting our story maps to the class, explaining all the innovations we had made to the story of The Way Home For Wolf.

Autumn 2 Term

In our Art lessons, we have been looking at the work of John Dyer and how he uses colour and shapes to create fireworks in his artwork. We have used a range of media to practice our drawing skills and have created firework pictures which incorporate colour, shapes and movement. 

For out poetry unit, we spent time working with a partner or small group to learn the first stanza of 'The Owl and the Pussy-Cat'. We decided how we would share and deliver the lines of the stanza and practiced until we felt confident. We then performed it for the rest of the class trying hard to speak in a clear voice and use expression to engage the listeners. 


In our Science lessons in Year 2, we have been learning about plants. We are currently carrying out an investigation to find out whether seeds or bulbs will grow better in our classroom.  Each group planted some seeds and bulbs.  We discussed that all the variables would have to be the same; such as, the same size pot, the same amount of soil etc so that the test is fair.  We then made predictions about what we think will happen to the plants.  We are enjoying watering them every day and watching them grow - The seeds are currently winning by a mile in both classes.

Spring 1 Term

Fire Safety Visit


During this half term, the local fire service visited Year 2 for a talk on fire safety.  The children found it very interesting and we learnt lots of very important new information about how to stay safe if there is a fire at home, including how to ring 999 and ask for the fire service if we ever need to.  We also had great fun acting out a pretend fire in the home with some of the children playing the roles of family members and fire fighters.

Year 2 Production

Eddie The Penguin Saves The World


This half term, the Year 2 children have absolutely loved rehearsing and performing our production.  All of the staff and children have worked so hard, making costumes, learning lines and songs and dancing their socks off to make our show a huge success.  We are so proud of each and every one of them.